Monthly Archives: September 2009

You call this a recipe? (LOL for the Day)


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 3 tablespoons water

So, the above ^ is a recipe from Or, it’s really just the ingredients. It is a CARAMEL recipe. Last time I checked, water was not one of the prime ingredients in major caramel retailers’ products.

Yeah… Wow. I sure look obsessive. Eeek! Please forgive my harshness. I’m a little intense…


): (Your LOL for the Day)

How would you feel if people flaunted off stuff you can’t have? Hmm. Well, it happens all the time, I’m sure. But any who, I was at the fair just a day or two ago, and I played games to try and win a stuffed toy.

Some great photography, people.

Some great photography, people.

So anyway, I came to yearn for one of the giant stuffed bananas. But, I am horrible at the games (I guess I’m not too coordinated), and before I knew it, all my tickets were gone. And so I saw bananas everywhere. Toddlers, grown men, people my age. How unfair.

Example #1 of the other winners. (Not me.) (Or anyone I know.)

Example #1 of the other winners. (Not me.) (Or anyone I know.)

See! Even monkeys are better at tossing rings onto soda bottles than I am!



Teen Vogue!

Another superbly ahead of time issue of Teen Vogue came in the mail today! It’s as if those guys over there at TV are in some sort of space-time paradox and they can release an October issue on the, what, fourth day of September? (I saw Halloween candy out today too!)

Taylor Lautner is on the cover, which I don’t appreciate greatly. I think it’s a waste of an issue when a male is on a woman’s magazine. The cover girls should be iconic and role model-esque. Not men. But that’s just what I think….

Have you heard of the Venetian Princess? (LOL for the Day)

She is the most popular female on YouTube from my last look. She does parodies on Lady GaGa, Miley, Britney Spears, even the Octomom. Check her out, she’s hilarious.

My favorite of hers is… the “Octo Mom Song.” She does good look-changing too. But alone, she is like some very made-up version of Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie.


My drawings!

"Charlotte" from Poseur!

"Charlotte" from Poseur!

“Forever to search for the flame” is the quote at the top. It is from Bat for Lashes’ song “Daniel.” I sketched this one, along with the following, myself!

"Melissa" from Poseur

"Melissa" from Poseur

WordPress sure crunched these down small. They look very nice fully-sized. This is “Melissa” and the quote on hers says “loyalty provided by Nikkeesha Kool.” If you’ve read Petty In Pink, yeah, you know what I’m talkin’ about, girl. 🙂